Description The Invest in Iasi regional economic missions have the purpose of bringing together entrepreneurs from the...
Description The Invest in Iasi regional economic missions have the purpose of bringing together entrepreneurs from the...
CES & B2B Event Oportunitati de export Contacte de afaceri SUA Transfer de informatii Povesti de succ...
Beneficiile misiunii Oportunitati de promovare Targul Apps World Conferinta Roots to Growth Business netw...
Scopul evenimentului Promovarea oportunitatilor de parteneriate Ucraina-Romania Promovarea oportunitatilor de i...
Evenimentul are ca obiectiv promovarea și creșterea vizibilității industriei IT&C din Iasi și regiunea Nord Es...
On 4th of July we will organize a special session INVEST IN IASI included in AFACERI.RO CONFERENCE BEIJING. You may ch...
Chernivtsi - Small Vienna of Bukovina Former Romanian region, found in the East of Ukraine, Chernivtsi is at a...
Invest in Iasi Programme
As a result of the success registered by Invest in Iasi conference performed in Ukraine on September 17th 2015, in Ia...
În perioada 17-18 septembrie 2015, Horizont Business Hub, APEC Iași și Arhipelago organizează Misiunea Economică A...
Business, Events
Varujan PAMBUCCIAN, speaking at a conference within the IT & Outsourcing Community in Iași: “We need to speed up...