History & Famous People
Testimonies of the existence and history evolution appear in the archeological discoveries from Cucuteni, which in the III- II mil. B. C. formed here one of the most brilliant Neolithic cultures from Europe.
In Iasi has Mihai Viteazu confirmed the union of the three Romanian countries , Iasi had given the signal of the Romanian revolution from 1848, and still in Iasi had been chosen on the 5th of January 1859 Alexandru Ioan Cuza as the ruler of Moldavia, the prelude of the great historical act of the principalities union.
Town of the first school of engineers(1814) and of the first University from the whole country, through its numerous historical, cultural and economical objectives, Iasi hold in a great part the status of “ history- town”, an impressive university town and an important economical area, being a special attraction for those interested in culture, tourism, student life, science and business.
Personalities who were born or lived in Iasi:
Grigore Ureche – writer, chronicler;
Miron Costin – politician, chronicler
Ion Neculce – writer
Dimitrie Cantemir – the scientist of European name, scholar, encyclopedist, philosopher, historian, Moldavian ruler;
Mihail Kogalniceanu – lawyer, historian, politician;
Al Ioan Cuza – The founder of the modern Romania, the Union ruler, the first Romanian ruler;
Vasile Alecsandri – poet, author, playwriter, folklorist, politician, minister, Romanian academician.
Alecu Russo – poet, fiction writer, essay- writer, memoir- writer;
A.D. Xenopol – academician, economist, philosopher, historian, educator, , sociologist;
Titu Maiorescu – academician, lawyer, literary critic;
Mihai Eminescu – the world wide known poet ;
Ion Creanga – Romanian writer;
G. Ibraileanu – academician, literary critic, essay- writer;
M. Sadoveanu – one of the greatest Romanian writer, born in Pascani;
N. Iorga – academician, literary critic, documentarist, play-writer;
Radu Cernatescu – chemist, laureate of the national prize;
Costache Negruzzi – gifted prose- writer, poet, play- writer, translator, born on the shore of Prut, in Trifestii Vechi, in the northern part of Iasi, in the house which became museum.
Theodor Pallady – one of the greatest Romanian painters;
The only Romanian who got the Nobel prize, George Emil Palade, born in Iasi;