Time | Invest in Iasi


The local time: GMT+2 ( GMT+3 during the last Sunday in March till the Saturday before the last Sunday in October)

Working hours: In Romania, the working week is of 5 days, with 40 working hours a week. The offices are opened between 7/8 in the morning and ¾ in the afternoon, generally without any lunch hour. The ministries and other main institutions are working between 8 and 17 in the afternoon. The post is opened daily between 7:30 and 19, and till 13 on Sundays.

The official holidays: 1st and 2nd of January (The New Year), the Easter Monday, the 1st of May, 1st of December ( the national Day of Romania), 25th and 26th of December (The Christmas).

Shopping hours: Usually the sores are opened between 8 and 18, but some, especially the universal stores are opened till 20 or later.. The duty- free stores ( without custom taxes), can be found in the international airports and customs.

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